Halving Your Wardrobe Can Leave You Rich In More Ways Than One
/When it comes to our most significant monthly expenditures, most of us would say that clothes are right up there. An obsession with stocking our wardrobes is one of those expensive adulting behaviors which we’re all guilty of. As soon as our pay packets hit our bank accounts, many of us head out to stock up on the latest fashions. We convince ourselves that new clothes will help us look and feel better. And, that in turn can increase our opportunities for earning. You could say, then, that this is a must for making money, rather than wasting it. Couldn’t you?
Not at all. In reality, there are a few key reasons to approach your wardrobe more minimally. If you’re reading this, the chances are that you already know about the benefits of stripping back your life. And, your clothes are no different. To prove that, let’s consider three benefits of cutting your wardrobe by at least half.
You’ll drastically reduce your expenses
As we mentioned, clothes form a hefty sum of our monthly expenses. A large clothes shop is so ingrained for many that we don’t even notice it. As soon as you stop buying clothes every month, you’re sure to notice the reduction in your expenses. In extreme cases, you may find that this frees you with over $100 extra spending money. Throughout the year, an amount like that adds up. That’s not to say, of course, that you can’t spend a cent on clothes. But, cutting back to just one item every few months is sure to make a real difference to your bank account.
You’ll discover the joys of accessories
When you aren’t buying clothes, you’re more liable to play around with what you do have. And, when you start to accessorize items, you open yourself for endless benefits. For one, you’ll find that accessories are both cheaper and easier to store than brand new clothes would be. That’s a benefit on both counts, especially if you’re embarking on van life. You may also find that accessories can satisfy you in a way clothes alone never could. You don’t need ten shirts, for example. You need only alternate between blue, green, and red ties throughout the week. For barely any cost, you’ll soon learn to create a new outfit each day. We would argue that’s a benefit worth cutting back for.
You’ll treasure clothes like you never have before
You may assume that halving your budget here would leave you loving your wardrobe less, but the opposite is true. In reality, owning less stuff always makes you value what you have more. And, the same is true for your clothes. Fast fashion is a pretty heartless affair. The focus is on new things all the time, not old things which mean a lot to you. The moment you stop looking for new clothing, then, you’ll come to appreciate the items you do have. As a result, your life is sure to be richer in every way...
The purpose of the Asia Fashion Collection (AFC) is to discover and nurture young designers who are from Asia.