moncler beyond campaign

When it comes to human beings, identity is about individuality. When talking about a brand, uniqueness is a question of multiplicity and in both cases, diversity is strength. It is this principle that inspired the new Moncler advertising campaign, which, through Craig McDean's timeless black and white, features nineteen people from all backgrounds and ages but united by a single word: BEYOND.

BEYOND is the expression of pure human strength that pushes man to break rigid prejudices and pre-established models. BEYOND is an effective and resonant life proposition since it is both real and sincere, just like Moncler. BEYOND is the sum of the values of the brand that has always distinguished itself by its desire to exceed.

Born in 1952 in a small mountain village in Haute-Savoie, the Moncler brand has gone beyond its original sector, namely mountain equipment, to become a full-fledged brand, in an urban style. She crossed the French mountains to become global. Moncler has pushed the boundaries of technicality to adapt to everyday life, using the technology that makes its products practical and functional. Moncler goes beyond the opportunities to dress every moment of life and address all generations without giving young people an aged look and the older a young look.

Unceasingly, Moncler exceeds all limits, all generations and all expectations. Today this project comes to life and becomes palpable in the life choices and fundamentals of a group of people with a unique motivation: to go beyond. From the Paralympic athlete to the astronaut, from activist to trend creator, the campaign goes beyond the idea of raditional advertising to support the motivation, willpower and uniqueness that drive an individual to go beyond all his limits to be, simply himself.

As a brand, Moncler's strength lies in its honest way of being itself, going beyond trends and targets, by speaking a language that puts the individual at the forefront and that is able to adapt to the most diverse situations and environments. The essential message of the campaign is that of freedom and strength of character. It is a call in the name of diversity, which finds its strength and impulse in multiplicity.

Through this liberating power and plurality, Moncler goes beyond fashion, to get straight into life. It does so through nineteen voices transmitting its message.


[My] "Style Signature" Shoot with Atlanta-based photographer Ralph Collins

e. vincent martinez fashionado

A couple years back, a young photographer caught my eye at the Ragtrade Atlanta runway show. Ralph Collins was framing his shots in an unconventional way by using different angles and suggesting art and movement.

Recently, he contacted me and offered a photo shoot but gave me a challenge at the same time. He wanted to capture "my style" and gave me three parameters to feature: brunch, casual day and formal. This wasn't the challenge! The challenge was that I had to pull from my own wardrobe - yep, my closet. At first I thought damn, I like when I get to play with labels from Saks or Jeffrey Atlanta - I'm tired of what's in my closet. You understand, right? Ralph's request made me think a little harder and appreciate what I already had. For the "formal" look, I knew I didn't want to do black tie so I opted for a suit and tie. Gucci suit, YSL coat and a crisp white shirt from Nordstrom. The safari jacket and green sweater for brunch and for a stylish casual look I went with joggers and a Chanel sweatshirt, sneakers by Tods.

Ralph was pleased with my choices. This is what he said about the shoot: 

The man himself, Mr. Fashionado, E. Vincent Martinez, stands in front of my lens for the very first time and it was a true experience. What is very understated is the level of personal style that the titled "style bloggers" have, due often to the assumption that their style is birthed from the necessity of their profession. With this photoshoot, I challenged that paradigm and requested that Vincent would come to the shoot prepared, given only the parameters of three occasions "Brunch" "Casual Day" and "Formal Dress". When we arrived at the studio for setup, and he began to display the wardrobe, he spoke with such assurance, such understanding in each piece and the meaning behind them and the memories that were attached to them; completely in awe I hung on every word while imagining exactly how I wanted to showcase them. 
Vincent's signature style became clear to me as we began to shoot. Simple staples with characteristics that reflect the functionality in which they're meaning to be used. No item brought simply for the sake of a logo, name recognition, or the need to prove one as "fashionable", but all items brought as a reflection of the necessary functions. 

I'm flattered and humbled. Thank you Ralph Collins. Keep doing what you're doing!
