Burn Off Your Favorite SuperBowl Snacks with Celebrity Trainer Craig Ramsay


With the Superbowl tonight, everyone will be scarfing down tons of beers and snacks during game time!

Celebrity Fitness Expert, Craig Ramsay wants to provide us with some post-Superbowl exercises that will burn off all those chicken wings, pizza, and let¹s not forget, alcohol!

Craig Ramsay¹s Eat It Burn It series places emphasis on what exercises to do and how long to do them to burn off specific foods! For example, 3.5 oz of nachos equals around 300 calories, which requires about an hour of walking or 35 minutes of running just to burn it off!  That¹s not to say you can¹t enjoy all your Superbowl favs! He¹d love to show you some healthier alternatives to make your Superbowl watching diet-friendly and still yummy as ever!

Craig Ramsay has been changing lives everywhere with his signature workout routines customized to the level of the do-er. His fitness regimen today is known for its elements of tough love, unconditional support, and doses of laughs to keep every doer inspired along the way. He offers his expertise in cardio, muscle toning, stretching techniques, and nutritional knowledge.He has worked with the likes of Kat Dennings, Jennifer Coolidge, Alec Mapa, Jack Coleman, and more! For more information please visit: www.craigramsay.com or check out his blog: www.craigramsayfitness.wordpress.com/about/


Cheat on your Diet and Still Stay Fit with Celebrity Trainer Craig Ramsay

So how's that New Year, New You, gonna get fit, lose weight, bring sexy-back New Year's Resolution going for ya?? I thought so. Same here. But don't fret because celebrity fitness trainer, Craig Ramsay is here to rescue us.

Bad habits can be difficult to break and when a diet slip up happens it tends to send us on a downward spiral of fast food and shame. Craig Ramsay, can rescue your New Year resolutions and restore your faith in health and fitness with his unique Eat it & Burn it online series on U LiveCraig will guide you through specific workouts that will reverse the damage done by a diet fail. To motivate you to follow through with your fitness goals, Craig offers specific routines to work off favorite treats including, nachos, french fries and even pizza (because we can't always be perfect.) 

Take a look at this clip of Craig suggesting a few exercises to burn off a plate of nachos: http://www.ulive.com/video/nachos-how-much-exercise-does-it-take-to-burn-them-off.

Well there you go... Now you can have your cake and eat it too thanks to Craig Ramsay! Happy fitness.
