Get Stylish With Jenna Lyons on HBO Max

I’ve been glued to HBO Max the last few days. Stylish With Jenna Lyons is a must-watch tv HBO Max series / reality show sans the bullshit drama. It’s all about fashion, style, beauty and decor, trust me, there’s plenty of drama there.

My first introduction of Jenna Lyons came in 2010 via The Fashion Fund - a docu-series about the Vogue/CFDA Fashion Fund finalists. (This is another binge-worthy series!) Ever since then, I’ve had a slight fascination with Jenna - not in a weird, creepy way - she’s just a really cool chic. Seems pretty “real.” I like that, so when I learned of Stylish With Jenna Lyons, I put The Crown on pause and said hello to another queen.

After 27 years with J. Crew, Jenna left to create her own brand. Stylish With Jenna Lyons is fun, sassy, raw yet polished. Jenna’s team: fashion stylist / creative director Sarah Clary and Chief of Staff Kyle Deford play integral roles in the show and business (and are quite fabulous).

Episode 1 sets the stage, so to speak, and the design show / competition introduces the creatives - a group of young, unique, emotional characters who are competing for a stylish space in the Lyon’s den. Sarah and Kyle oversee Jenna’s design challenges for the aspiring associates. By the final episode, you’ve formed tv-relationships with the cast and the show takes an unforeseen turn. I watched, with empathy and thought: “WOW…” I won’t spoil it - you’ll just have to watch. It’s that good!

Jenna Lyons and her team are inspiring and refreshing. The show feels unscripted, at least for Jenna’s precious pup Popeye who steals the spotlight by pooping on it and barking at everyone - you can’t script that! Jenna offers useful design advice in a segment called Just The Tips and we learn of yet another business she’s started that sells fabulous faux lashes, Loveseen. Watch Stylish With Jenna Lyons on HBO Max, you’ll love it and if you’re still feeling stalkerific and just can’t get enough, this New Yorker interview will tell you way more about Jenna than I have : ‘Afterlife…’