Meeting a Beautiful Dreamer: Artist Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan

 Meeting a Beautiful Dreamer: Artist Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan

While hosting a reception at Gallery AiA, I was approached by a friend and was told that I must meet a local artist by the name of Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan who happened to be attending that night. This is a situation that springs up at most of the receptions, and I have met some wonderful artists in just that way. My first instinct is to always ask what kind of work the artist creates. In this case my friend told me that he works with puzzle pieces to create sculptures. I will have to admit, I was hesitant as I am not a huge fan of art that is based around a gimmick. I had fears of celebrity portraits created with string, spinning paint cans, and all the other works that just simply look fun on Instagram but lacking actual content and creativity.

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