4 Fashionable Teeth Trends

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Trends with dental care come and go. Some are on the healthier side whereas others are best forgotten. Certainly, a mouth unnecessarily filled with gold teeth for that shiny effect is one old trend best avoided.

To steer you in the right direction, here are 4 teeth trends that won’t detract attention from your latest fashion choices (and may even get praised).

1. Dental Implants

When you’ve got a tooth missing and it’s obvious, then your smile can definitely detract from your outfit. That’s as close to a fashion faux pas as possible.

To resolve the issue, an implant can replace a missing tooth. When getting a dental implant Brisbane, a local dentist can provide the solution to a ruined smile. Also, if you’re always feeling uncomfortable because of a missing tooth inside your low jawline, then it may catch food and create a worry when entertaining too. Learn more about dental implants, including the techniques used by Pure Dentistry and how they can fix a gap-toothed smile. It can boost your confidence once it’s completed. They are equipped to treat adults and kids, with various treatments on offer, including tooth whitening and veneers.

2. Wisdom Tooth Extraction

When there are one or more wisdom teeth that are causing the pain because they’re not allowing other teeth to sit properly, then they’ll need extracting.

Without doing so, other teeth are impacted and cannot grow and extend fully. This isn’t easy to fix later once the growth has been stunted. Therefore, to avoid tooth pain becoming obvious on the face from impacted teeth, wisdom tooth extraction is beneficial.

Once healed up, going out to a restaurant or bar to enjoy a night out with a friend or a partner isn’t a risky venture any longer.

3. Invisalign Teeth Alignment

Getting a set of orthodontic braces isn’t for everyone. It’s a case of going backward with your looks to go forward a year later. But that’s for more significant teeth alignment issues.

A new trend with minor teeth alignment is to use an aligner, such as Invisalign. These are teeth aligners that fit your teeth but can be removed before you go out or when entertaining at home. Because of this flexibility and convenience, they can make your teeth straighter in a few months without ruining your look.

4. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening has evolved over the years. With many Hollywood celebrities choosing to have whitening treatments, fashion magazines are filled with before and after photos highlighting the changes that they’ve made. As a result, more people than ever are looking for teeth whitening solutions.

It’s important to bear in mind that there are home-based solutions and professional ones that only dentists have access to. The latter is far better, more effective, and longer-lasting. While whitening cannot usually completely remove a decade or more of smoking or other color alternating effects on your teeth, there’s still a marked improvement for many patients.

While some teeth trends aren’t worth following like the current Tik Tok trend of filing teeth down, there are some healthy ones performed by professionals that can improve your appearance. Get the confidence back in your smile and remove oral pain for a natural, happier outlook. Then your fashion choices can get the attention they deserve.