Must-Have Makeover Apps

There comes a time in everyone’s life when they just need to try out new looks, to reinvent their appearance and discover new styles to reflect changes in their life. The process isn’t always easy, and the transition can be awkward, more so when you realize that the look you had imagined for yourself doesn’t actually quite work out.

Thankfully, we’ve seen a proliferation of virtual makeover apps for smartphones. More than the occasional selfie improver, there are apps that allow users to play with different looks and styles, and even try out different hairstyles. These features had long been confined to computer apps, but the growth of the mobile market and the improvement of mobile technology has made it so these features can be accessed on smartphones too. According to the company behind mobile-optimized gaming website, Spin Genie, growth in mobile internet is among the strongest trends on the internet landscape to date, and some experts even suggest that we may be using our smartphones exclusively within the next two years.

The main draw of virtual makeover apps is that they allow users to make full use of their smartphone’s cameras, with some even providing real-time makeovers that are as realistic as they can get. If you’re interested in trying out different looks, you may want to download the following:

1. L’Oréal Paris Makeup Genius
Leading the pack of smartphone makeover apps, the L’Oréal Paris Makeup Genius stands out in that it doesn’t just let users edit photos to apply different makeup effects, but uses the phone’s front camera to project an augmented reality view of the different styles. This means that you can apply different looks, and see how it looks when you move and make different expressions.

2. Modiface Virtual Makeover
Just like other makeover apps, the Modiface Virtual Makeover app lets users upload photos to the app and apply different makeup and hairstyles to try them out. What puts them a cut above the rest is their amazing face-mapping technology and comprehensive skin assessment software that even allows users to apply different skin treatments to see their effects.

3. Hair Try On by TAAZ
For many years, TAAZ had been one of the leading brands for makeover apps on the PC, and they’ve finally released their services to mobile phones with the launch of Hair Try On by TAAZ. As the name suggests, the app lets users play around with different hairstyles, even allowing them to adjust how the virtual hairstyle falls and frames the face, making it look more realistic. 

There are many other virtual makeover apps out there, and with augmented reality technology improving even more, it’s likely that we’ll see even more of these apps in the near future.



Brandon Liberati’s 5 #SELFIE Holiday Beauty Tips

Brandon Liberati’s 5 #SELFIE Holiday Beauty Tips

'Tis the snapshot season to be camera-ready, so make sure the selfies you give your friends are the most fa-la-la- la-fabulous they've opened this holiday by following these few tips!! So when celebrity make-up guru (and overall hottie) Brandon Liberati offers beauty advice, you take it!

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