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Interview with Best Selling author Sally Kalksma and the success of her book Life Gets in the Way

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Described as Powering Through Adversity with Grit and Grace, we caught up with author Sally Kalksma to learn more about the key messages in her successful Best Selling book, Life Gets in the Way.

1. Every book has a story about its creation, what’s the story behind your book Life Gets in the Way? I never shared anything I wrote. It was all very personal and I was self-conscious about it. I was afraid people would judge and or worse, ridicule my writing. When I did get the nerve to share a few excerpts, thanks to a fellow stair climber who paved the path for me by writing her story, I was pleasantly surprised at the positive feedback I got. It gave me the confidence to fulfill a lifelong dream. I told myself I don’t care how many people dislike my book if it helps just one person.

2. Power, Determination, and Grit. Your book has all these, so what is it you find critical in turning these into a positive force? When faced with any obstacle, be it a health issue or challenging situation you have two choices how to handle it: do nothing or do something. It’s all the same time spent…you either put effort in or you don’t. The effort will take work, but it is very rewarding. I’m not happy about an adverse situation but I enjoy conquering it.

3. Are there any surprises that we should look out for when reading your book? As cliché as this may sound, my life is now an open book. However, even those that know me well were surprised to read about some of the situations I was in and how I handled them.

4. What is your advice to other authors wishing to follow your path of becoming a Best Selling author? To be successful as an author you must be very disciplined and committed to your work. Writing mimics my racing….the more time and energy I put into each the better the outcome. Surround yourself with positive people if you want positive things to happen in your life, both professional and personal.

Author Sally Kalksma

5. What future projects do you have? Will you be writing more books? Currently I’m finishing up the audiobook of Life Gets in the Way.

I’m always writing so another book is just a matter of time. I’m very excited about a project that is in the very early stages of conception….I don’t want to say too much right now but I think it is going to make hospital patients look and feel very good!