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Penland School of Craft Summer Workshops

Penland School of Craft is a magical place that I’ve written about many times before. I’ve lived there, studied there and have been an active supporter for three decades so it’s heartbreaking to share this letter from the director. Safety first, I get it. And respect their decision… Visit their website and when they reopen this Fall, consider attending. It may change your life:

Dear Penland friends, 

With a good bit of sadness, I am writing to tell you that we have decided to cancel all of our summer 2020 workshops. As we learn more each day about the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become clear that continuing to plan for workshops anytime this summer is not in the best interests of our community. 

Our workshops are based on small groups of people coming together and working in close proximity. We work with our hands, and we share information with our hands. We pass things around so everyone can examine them. We use common tools, materials, and work spaces and eat together in a common dining room. Community and sharing are the heart of Penland’s workshop education. We don’t believe that the current public health crisis will change how we teach, but taking a break right now seems like the only responsible course of action. 

We have just finished planning a series of exciting workshops for fall 2020 and spring 2021. We will announce these in the next few weeks and hope to be able to run them. In the meantime, North Carolina is under a stay-at-home order, and most of our staff are working from home. A small crew is on campus and keeping an eye on things. We are all trying to think about how we can use this time to make Penland an even stronger creative force in the future, and we trust you will be part of that future.

If you have questions about summer cancellations or future enrollment, please contact the registration office at

We are grateful for your interest in the special kind of education Penland offers, and we hope to see you here before too long. Stay safe, make things, wash your hands, and keep in touch.

Mia Hall, director