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Dress Best On A Budget

Dressing well and finding good clothes in your size doesn’t have to be a hard game anymore. We’ve all walked into a shop and realize absolutely nothing on the rails is our style, or that a size 8 jeans that fitted us in one shop isn’t going to be the same size in this one. It makes going shopping incredibly annoying, and you end up forking out a huge sum in order to get something you’ll love and will love you in return. So we turn to bargain bin shopping, but that often means we have to sacrifice that class element we’re always in search of. However, we can combine the two when we really know how to shop. So here’s a few tips for finding something that’ll hug you in all the right places, and still not cost you an arm or a leg.

Stock Up on ‘Basic’ Items

Just because you’re shopping a supermarket’s own brand doesn’t mean you can’t look incredibly good in what you wear. This means you can go all out on the basic items you can grab, as they work as the base for any glamorous outfit, especially when you’re headed to the office for a day at work.

When you’re buying undershirts or simple cami tops or a good pair of leggings, they can last forever, and never go out of style. Even if they do run thin or break, replacing them is cheap, and they come in versatile colors. Of course, depending on your personal style, for work you’ll either want some good straight laced skirts or trousers, and basic style lines have plenty of different styles of those to offer.

If you’re crafty with a sewing needle or machine, you can even patch some of these items together to create yourself a designer dress, or use the material for your own outfits. It’s quite an old style habit, but it’s an incredibly useful skill to have if you’re trying to live on a wardrobe budget. You can imitate a lot of the bigger brands at an affordable level, and look absolutely fabulous in the end result.

Rely on Your Accessories

When you have plenty of jewelry, scarves, or gloves to swap in and out with an outfit, you can use the same clothes for a lot of pairings that look entirely different from any other. This is already the secret of all good wardrobe makers, but being versatile in what you put on top of your main outfit can turn you from executive to fashionista.

You can even use accessories for other purposes, such as using a scarf as a belt or having a good hair wrap when you want to keep your curls and waves intact in the windy weather. Try looking for bundle deals in the shops, such as two for one on necklaces or chokers, and half price sales on handbags, and take full advantage of them. If you buy now, you won’t regret your lack of choice later on.

Look for blog posts like that at, as they have some good tutorials on pairing accessories with dresses and skirts, and looking good whilst not feeling cold or unbelievably sweaty. Your designer clothes can still suffer from impractically after all.

Use the Web for Some Bargains

Sure, the net has some scams when it comes to following facebook page deals, and the shipping costs can get a little hefty, but the world wide web is your best friend when it comes to knowing how to shop and finding some classy bargains.

Use some shopping comparison sites such as to find the best deals on common items you could pick up in high street retail shops, as often we can find cheaper prices or alternatives online. Even if you find something you love and can’t realistically afford to get it delivered straight to your door, you now know which shop to frequent! Either that, or keep an eye on the piece until it gets a deal put on it, which happens a lot more online than in store.

So you can see that having a good wardrobe that makes you feel good about yourself doesn’t have to break the bank, nor does it mean you suffer from a lack of shoes or constant ladders in your tights. Try some charity shops and own brands for hidden gems, and you’ll soon score yourself a fantastic new item to show off when out and about.

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